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West Port Arthur Green Infrastructure Master Plan

We at the Community In-Power and Development Association have assembled a team of experts to develop a Green Infrastructure (GI) Master Plan that aims to provide research, insight, and sustainable green solutions to combat flooding in fenceline communities similar to the West Port Arthur area. This plan and research was made in collaboration with our partners at Texas A&M University and the residents of the Montrose community in Port Arthur, TX.

Our plan provides insight to the personal impacts of flooding events, the destruction of homes, a 4,000 resident population decline post hurricane Harvey, environmental pollution, escalating debt problems due to the prevalence of natural disasters such as flooding and hurricanes, and so much more valuable statistics pertaining to the larger West Side area, highlighting the Montrose community.

The data and research are conveyed through risk maps, floodplains, charts, diagrams and graphs to assist in presenting the data thoroughly. The plan also contains drawings and suggested Green Infrastructure designs for the Montrose community.

To inform the West Port Arthur GI Master Plan development we conducted interviews with the residents to incorporate their experiences and they desires for a GI pilot. A summary of the findings from these interviews can be found in the "Montrose Community Interview Findings Nov 11 2021"

We recommend giving our "West Port Arthur GI Master Plan" a read. This plan is full of data residents of Port Arthur and similar communities can greatly benefit from.

If you have any questions, comments, or areas of interest surrounding our West Port Arthur Green Infrastructure master plan please be sure to contact us via email


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