Sample Collection and Analysis
Advocating for Legislative Change
Holding Large Industry Accountable

CIDA Inc. has the resources to collect and analyze air quality samples. This process is critical in determining to which extent an area is being polluted.

CIDA Inc. utilizes a "Grab Bucket Air Sampling Method". This method uses the vacuum in a sealed bucket to suck in the environment air for testing.

CIDA Inc. was instrumental in establishing the national Start-up Shut-down and Malfunction (SSM) Law for refineries. This law dictates that emissions ocurring during start-up, shut-down and malfunction events, should be counted towards to total allowable emissions limit.

CIDA Inc. has the resources to collect and analyze air quality samples. This process is critical in determining to which extent an area is being polluted.
We have found that videographic evidence of pollution speaks a thousand words. This is why we keep our community informed of major emission events by showing them.
Initializing Community Betterment Activities
Stimulating local economy by organizing and facilitating weekly flea markets
Organizing and facilitating training programs to stimulate local employment
Advocating and negotiating on behalf of the community
CIDA Inc. negotiation was largely responsible for the build of the West Side Development Center for the Port Arthur Community.

The West Side Development Center was funded by Motiva. Motiva agreed to build the Center, after CIDA Inc. filed a lawsuit and negotiating that the community be compensated for damage done to them by air pollution.

CIDA Inc. supports other organizations and groups working to better communities.

CIDA Inc. leads protests for community betterment.

The West Side Development Center was funded by Motiva. Motiva agreed to build the Center, after CIDA Inc. filed a lawsuit and negotiating that the community be compensated for damage done to them by air pollution.
CIDA Inc. has accomplished a great deal in the Port Arthur area. We know how daunting it can be to take on major industries or large challenges alone. That is why we are here to help you. Find out some of the ways in which CIDA Inc. can help you.
Learn more about who we are and what we do, on Facebook and YouTube.